春节时,14岁的甲用自己的压岁钱在某商场购买了价值2000多元的电动玩具,则 (  )

  • A+



(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 春节时,14岁的甲用自己的压岁钱在某商场购买了价值2000多元的电动玩具,则 (  )


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(2)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] __________根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Investors can _51_ money simply by loaningit.The money they loan is called capital.Security (担保) is anexpensive item which the borrower mortgages (抵押) to the investorto show that he intends to _52_ the debt.The way investorsmake money on loans is to charge interest.Interest is moneythat _53_ pay to investors for the use of their money.Interest isusually a certain percentage of the capital.Investors sometimes_54 ten percent or more interest per year.The interest may becalculated daily, monthly, or yearly.The interest must be_55_ before the capital can be repaiD.If the interest isnot _56_ the agreed rate, the interest is added _57_ the capital.Then theborrower has _58_ pay interest on the unpaid interest _59_ on the capital.A debt cangrow quickly this way.If the total of the capital and accumulated interest gets too high,the investor will take _60_ of the item used as security and sell it to get hismoney back.__________


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(3)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] In which city was the bus boycottorganized?回答下面的题目American Blacks experienced a revolutionafter 1945, a revolution in expectations.Following World War Ⅱ , the steady movement toward first-classcitizenship for Black people quickened, with significantactions taking place in courts of law, in voting booths, in restaurants and inthe streets of the nation.A decade of intense civil rights activity was launched in 1954 when theUnited States Supreme Court declared segregated schools to beunconstitutional. In 1955, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , effectivelyorganized the Blacks of Atlanta, Georgia, in a bus boycott. The boycott lastedtwo years, and when it was over, Blacks no longer were degraded by being forcedto sit or stand in the rear of buses.In 1960, a group of Black college students decided that they, as well aswhite persons, had the right to eat at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NorthCarolinA. This sit-in sparked anaggressive national movement and, in the next few years, thousands of young menand women--Black and White, North and South--overturned local laws and customsthat had maintained segregation. Sit-ins, pray-ins, freedom rides, freedommarches and demonstrations to open all schools to Black children took placeacross the nation.Several important actions took place tochange the status of black people
C.North CarolinA.


【◆答案解析◆】:第二段。选项D是正确的。这是马丁·路德·金领导的一次为争取黑人平等的运动,该运动是所有黑人抵制公交公司,不乘坐他们的汽车,以求得废除黑人在公共汽车内只能在后排落座或站着的制度。英文的表达习惯是城市名在前,州名在后,中间通常用逗号隔开。Atlanta,Georgia是佐治亚州亚特兰大市。同样,Greensboro,North Carolina是北卡罗来纳州,格林斯伯罗市。但这个城市开展的是另一个运动。

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(4)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 止于下颌颈的肌是(  )


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(5)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 回答{TSE}题Never laugh at a snow covered mountain!Laughter and yelling, during the avalanche season, can cause a deadly pile ofsnow.Huge snow slides are most common in mountains where there are steep slopesthat are well buried in snow and icE.The snow builds up slowly and lands verysoftly.This can create a very touchy, unstable situation.Tons of snowmay be held up by only the friction between snowflakes.The deep snow is like ahouse of cards.The slightest movement can cause it to fall.As soon assomething slips, this great mass of snow will come crashing down themountainsidE.Slides may be started by sound vibrations.They may also be started by the weight of wet, melting snow.Once an avalanchehas been triggered, the cause no longer matters.Moving down a steep slope, itpicks up great speed and added snow.Some avalanches travel as fast as twohundred miles per hour.The force of an avalanche will mow down anything in itspath.Whole houses have been swallowed up by these fast-paced piles of snow.Thewind that is caused by an avalanche is almost as destructive as the snowitselF.Winds from an avalanche have been known to travel as fast as those of atornado.So, when approaching a thicklysnow covered mountain, speak softly!{TS}Avalanches can be started by________
A.falling snow
B.the wind
C.loud sounds
D.friction between snowflakes



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(6)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] _________根据以下内容,回答下面的题目。Insure means to protect _51_ a loss of money.Most people can budget their money so that their income will cover expected expenses _52_ food, clothing, housing, and public services.But, there is no way to know _53_ who will suffer a crisis (危机) such as a serious illness, fire, flood, or a car accident.Such crises usually _54_ great expensE.Even if people could predict crises, it would be hard to save enough money to _55_ the expenses.Insurance is a system _56_ a company collects money from many individuals and then pays certain expenses whenever one of those insured individuals is faced with a certain crisis.An insurance policy _57_ how much the insurance costs and how much the company will pay when a policy holder is faced with a certain crisis.There are many different kinds of insurance, _58_ hospital, motor-car and firE.Insurance can be rather expensive but most people buy insurance of some kinD.Insurance is something _59_ people buy and hope they will _60_ neeD._________


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(7)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 函数y=f(x)在点x=x0处取得极大值,则必有(  )


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(8)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 在空间直角坐标系中,方程x2-4(y-1)2=0表示


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(9)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] 根据原文所给的信息,以下推断不正确的一项是(  )根据材料,回答下面的题目。悠然把酒对西山陈从周“更喜高楼明月夜,悠然把酒对西山”,明米万钟在他北京西郊的园林里,写了这两句诗句。一望而知是从晋人陶渊明“采菊东篱下,悠然见南山”,脱胎而来的。不管“对”也好,“见”也好,所指的都是远处的山。这就是中国园林设计中的借景。把远景纳为园中一景,增加了该园的景色变化。这在中国古代造园中早已应用,明计成在他所著《园冶》一书中总结出来,有了定名。他说:“借者,园虽别内外,得景无拘远近。”已阐述得很明白了。北京的西郊,西山蜿蜒若屏,清泉汇为湖沼,最宜建园,历史上曾为北京园林集中之地,明清两代,蔚为大观,其中圆明园更被称为“万园之园”。这座在历史上驰名中外的名园——圆明园,其于造园之术,可用“因水成景,借景西山”八字来概括,这是中国古代园林艺术的具体表现。偌大的一个园林,如果立意不明,也难成佳构,所以造园要立意在先。圆明园如今仅存断垣残基,要谈这些只能用今日尚存的另一个大园林颐和园为例了。颐和园在北京西北郊十公里,万寿山耸翠园北,昆明湖弥漫山前,玉泉山蜿蜒其西,风景绚美。颐和园以杭州西湖为蓝本,精心模拟,故西堤、水岛、烟柳画桥,移江南的淡妆,现北地之胭脂,景虽有相同,趣则各异。园面积达三四平方公里,水面占四分之三,北国江南因水而成。入东宫门,见仁寿殿,峻宇翚飞,峰石罗前。绕其南豁然开朗,明湖在望。万寿山面临昆明湖,佛香阁踞其颠,八角四层,俨然为全园之中心。登阁则西山如黛,湖光似镜,跃然眼帘;俯视则亭馆扑地,长廊萦带,景色全囿于一园之内,其所以得无尽之趣,在于借景。小坐湖畔的湖山真意亭,玉泉山山色塔影,移入槛前,而西山不语,直走京畿,明秀中又富雄伟,为他国所不及。廊在中国园林中极尽变化之能事,颐和园长廊可算显例,其予游者之兴味最浓,印象特深。廊引人随,中国画山水手卷,于此舒展,移步换影。上苑别馆,有别宫禁,宜其清代帝王常作园居。谐趣园独自成区,倚万寿山之东麓,积水以成池,周以亭榭,小桥浮水,游廊随径,适宜静观,此大园中之小园,自有天地。园仿江南无锡寄畅园,以同属山麓园,故有积水,皆有景可借。水曲由岸,水隔因堤,故颐和园以长堤分隔,斯景始出。而桥式之多,构图之美,处处画本,或玉带桥之莹洁柔和,十七孔桥之仿佛垂虹,每当山横春霭,新柳拂水,游人泛舟,所得之景与陆上得之景,分明异趣。而处处皆能映西山入园,足证“借景”之妙。以下是对“借景”之说的阐释,正确的一项是(  )



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(10)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] He made it a rule never________latE.
A.get up
B.got up
C.to get up
D.gotten up



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: