What prompted Sequoyah to develop hisalphabet?

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(1)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] What prompted Sequoyah to develop hisalphabet?Sequoyahwas a young Cherokee Indian.son of a white trader and an Indian Squaw(北美印第安女人).At an early age,hebecame fascinated by“tile talking leaf”,an expressionthathe used to describe the white man’s written records.Although many believe this"talking leaf”to be a gift from tileGreat Spirit,Sequoyah refused to accept that theory.Like other Indians oftile period,he wasilliterate,but his determination to remedy tilesituation led to the inventionof a unique 86 character alphabet based on thesound patterns that he hearD.   Hisfamily and friends thought him mad,but while recuperating(恢复)from a huntingaccident.he diligently andindependently set out to create a form of communication for his ownpeople aswell as for other Indians.In l821,after twelve years of work,he hadsuccessfully de。veloped a written language that wouldenable thousands of Indians to read and writE.   Sequoyah’s desire to preserve wordsand events for later generation has caused him to be remembered among theimportant inventors.The giant redwood treesof-California,called“se-quoias(红杉)”in his honor,will further imprint his namein history. 根据以上内容,回答下面的题目。What is the mostimportant reason that Sequoyah wiU be remeIll]bered?
A.People were writing thingsabout him that he couldn’t reaD.
B.He wanted to become famous.
C.After his hunting accident,he needed something to keep him busy.
D.Future generations.


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(2)【◆题库问题◆】:[多选] 尿的浓缩与稀释机褂取决于(  )


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(3)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 视神经盘(视神经乳头)(  )



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(4)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] In which city was the bus boycottorganized?回答下面的题目American Blacks experienced a revolutionafter 1945, a revolution in expectations.Following World War Ⅱ , the steady movement toward first-classcitizenship for Black people quickened, with significantactions taking place in courts of law, in voting booths, in restaurants and inthe streets of the nation.A decade of intense civil rights activity was launched in 1954 when theUnited States Supreme Court declared segregated schools to beunconstitutional. In 1955, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. , effectivelyorganized the Blacks of Atlanta, Georgia, in a bus boycott. The boycott lastedtwo years, and when it was over, Blacks no longer were degraded by being forcedto sit or stand in the rear of buses.In 1960, a group of Black college students decided that they, as well aswhite persons, had the right to eat at a lunch counter in Greensboro, NorthCarolinA. This sit-in sparked anaggressive national movement and, in the next few years, thousands of young menand women--Black and White, North and South--overturned local laws and customsthat had maintained segregation. Sit-ins, pray-ins, freedom rides, freedommarches and demonstrations to open all schools to Black children took placeacross the nation.Several important actions took place tochange the status of black people
C.North CarolinA.


【◆答案解析◆】:第二段。选项D是正确的。这是马丁·路德·金领导的一次为争取黑人平等的运动,该运动是所有黑人抵制公交公司,不乘坐他们的汽车,以求得废除黑人在公共汽车内只能在后排落座或站着的制度。英文的表达习惯是城市名在前,州名在后,中间通常用逗号隔开。Atlanta,Georgia是佐治亚州亚特兰大市。同样,Greensboro,North Carolina是北卡罗来纳州,格林斯伯罗市。但这个城市开展的是另一个运动。

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(5)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 肺泡回缩力主要来自(  )


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(6)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] John________he could improve his exam results, but he didnot have enough time to study.
A.knows how
B.knows that
C.knew how
D.knew that



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(7)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 毛泽东第一次明确提出社会主义社会存在敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾的观点的著作是(  )


【◆答案解析◆】:本题考查对毛泽东著作主要内容的 深刻认识,要注意区分。第一次明确提出社会主 义存在敌我矛盾和人民内部矛盾这一观点的是 1956年12月给黄炎培的信,故选“C”。

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(8)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选,材料题] How will the government know what the air quality is?根据下列短文,回答下面的题目。  A panel of government officials is worrieD.The air quality in some areas is not gooD.Theair is polluted with soot.The officials worry that the air is harmful to the people who breathethe air.The officials are expels.They study the environment.They diSCUSS ways to stop theair pollution.The panel decided to make,some changes to the law.  The mew plan places strict limits on how much soot call be released into the air.Now,ameasurement of 65 parts of soot is considered safE.The new plan would reduce that number to30.The daily limit of pollution in the air would be cut in halF.  These new standards would affect industry.The limits would also affect people who ownwood stoves and fireplaces.The country will keep track of the air quality every day.Peoplewould be required to stop burning wood when the levels are high.They could also install a kindof special fireplacE.These fireplaces burn very little wooD.They do not pollute the air asmuch.Some countries will punish families who violate the ban.They will have to pay a fine fornot complying with the law.  Some states do not have much industry.Their pollution problem is not too baD.Theywould stiU have to regulate how much pollution is released into the air.The experts hope thatthis ban will help keep the air cleaner.Before the plan becomes a law the public will have a chance to comment on it.Citizenswill have ninety days to ask questions and voice concerns about the plan.Then it will becomea law.The panel is made up of________.
A.The factories will test the air every day.
B.Scientists will test it every day.
C.A report will be publiseD.
D.They will ask homeowners.


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(9)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 女性,40岁。咳嗽、气短1个月,伴午后发热、盗汗,右侧胸痛。查体:气管左移,右侧胸廓饱满,叩诊实音。最可能出现下列哪项体征(  )


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(10)【◆题库问题◆】:[单选] 对尺神经的描述,错误的是(  )



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